This blog is an online expression of my thoughts, about my country and how my life revolves around her. The dream to live here forever and involve myself to make a change about things which matter to me. My love for motorcycles and touring my country on them. My passion for being in the midst of people who make up our country.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Archeriostichaos is BACK, alive and kicking ass..again! The upgradation mentioned previously is still under progress and should be completed within next 15 days.

Watch this space for some recent photographs of Bangalore in August '07 and also my first impression about the "Cyber-Garden" City, coming up tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

ey! teaser campaigns for your upcoming posts, eh!

Anonymous said...

Pray, where are those posts of the Garden City?

Tomorrow never comes, eh?

About de Archer

My photo
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Pictographic evidence of motorcycle travels in India.

